IHHNT "CellAirOne" device
Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Normoxia Therapy
CellAirOne is a medical device. It complies with MDD 93/42/EEC and all relevant EU regulations.

Severe hypoxia is known to be associated with harmful consequences for the human body. For example, obstructive sleep apnea with short and frequently recurring hypoxia cycles has been found to be related to hypertension, stroke and adverse cardiac events.
On the contrary, short and controlled intervals of moderate hypoxia of no less than 9 % result in a type of moderate stress that leads to beneficial adaptations including, but not limited to:
- Increase in vasolidation, angiogenesis, erythropoiesis
- Induction of defence protein synthesis (HSP, Fe-RP, repair enzymes)
- Increase in glycolytic enzymes
- Improvement of insulin sensitivity
- Reduction of the cholesterol level
- Anti-inflammatory effect
Hypoxic (low oxygen) air is inhaled with intervals of hyperoxic (high oxygen) air. Normoxic phases (normal oxygen concentration) can replace the hyperoxic phases, but are generally less efficient as it takes longer to restore normal SpO2 levels and the effect of the successive hypoxic phase decreases.
The patient quietly breathes in the air mixture supplied by the precisely controlled unit through a mask and remains in a comfortable position for the duration of the therapy. It is not uncommon for the patient to fall asleep and describe the whole process as deeply relaxing.
Under conditions of hypoxia, the mitochondrial respiratory chain is the main intracellular source for the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive generation of ROS can potentially disrupt normal metabolic processes, protein structure and the mitochondrial genome.
In most cases of severe hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the main components of the most frequently occurring pathological processes.
On the other hand, it has also been shown that adaptation to hypoxic interval stimulation causes positive changes in the mitochondrial apparatus of cells, which explains the positive effects on the body. In particular, there is a restructuring of tissue energy as the human organism implements a more economical use of oxygen.
The mechanisms of adaptation to intermittent hypoxia allow the body not only to survive in acute oxygen deprivation, but also to increase the body's resistance to emotional stress, intense exercise and other types of stress.
IHT significantly improves the control of mitochondrial quality, which is regulated by the balance between biogenesis - birth of new and autophagic destruction - death of old mitochondria.
In simpler words, a self-imposed quality control is achieved by establishing a fine balance between the elimination of damaged and dysfunctional mitochondria and the generation of new and "healthy" mitochondria.
Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs when the mitochondria do not function as they should. Many diseases can lead to secondary mitochondrial dysfunction and affect other diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig's disease, diabetes and cancer. One in 5,000 people has a genetic mitochondrial disorder. Each year, approximately 1,000 to 4,000 children are born with a mitochondrial disease in the United States.
With the number and type of symptoms and organ systems involved, mitochondrial diseases are often confused with other, more common diseases. The symptoms of mitochondrial diseases depend on which cells of the body are affected. Patients' symptoms can range from mild to severe.

It has been proven that cell training with IHT can improve cardiopulmonary efficiency and lactate reduction. It also restores performance levels in athletes with overtraining syndrome. IHT technology is popular with elite athletes as a legitimate way to improve performance.

IHT has proven to be a simple and safe therapy to improve mental performance and functional resilience in older patients. The mode of action of IHT offers a higher quality of life for the older generation.

Studies have shown that IHT can be used as a preventative therapy for professionals who are occupationally exposed to higher levels of pollutants. Studies have shown that it leads to significant improvements in the respiratory system and well-being in this group of people.

In metabolic syndrome, the hormones responsible for metabolism change, leading to increased food intake, obesity, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. IHT protocols showed a beneficial effect on metabolism. A reduction in body weight, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels was achieved.

Moderate IHT protocols produce beneficial cardiovascular effects. In particular, there is evidence that IHT conditioning is a safe and effective therapy for both the prevention and treatment of systemic hypertension. At the same time, it is also a promising therapeutic strategy for myocardial infarction.

Millions of people are bitten by ticks every year. IHT can help as part of the treatment for chronic Lyme disease. Evidence has been found that Borrelia bacteria living in a human body die after a few weeks of IHT sessions due to their sensitivity to sudden changes in oxygen concentration.

Mitochondrial diseases have been directly linked to chronic fatigue. In patients diagnosed with burnout, these have been identified as coexisting conditions. IHT regenerates the mitochondria and therefore offers a non-pharmacological option to treat conditions that impact not only the sufferer but also the socio-economic wellbeing of the community.

A significant focus of IHT is its use in respiratory insufficiency. Used as a therapeutic tool, IHT can help to restore the loss of respiratory motor function in severe clinical disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury, apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Special features:
Hypoxic index for each therapy - definition of therapy intensity
Two types of hypoxia tests to define the optimal O2% and hypoxia resistance type
BOLT & HRV test
Change oxygen and cycle time during the session
Intelligent reoxygenation
Analyze each session and compare two therapy sessions
Integrated GDPR compliance
Increased safety by setting two limits for SpO2 and HR, patient and system
Biofeedback and manual settings
Display of HRV and hypoxic index over time for progress monitoring
Self-calibration routine
Hyperoxic preconditioning
Special features

Definition of the optimal oxygen level. Once the ideal SpO2 value for the hypoxia phase has been set, the hypoxic test is performed in a fully automated mode. The patient breathes in the delivered air mixture and at the end of the test the device saves the value.

CellAirOne enables real-time measurement of the RMSSD (Root Mean Sum of Squared Distance). After saving the test, the following parameters are calculated and saved. RR & HR | Nonlinear Poincare diagram | Graphical and numerical SD1, SD2, SD2 / SD1VLF, LF and HF (peak, %, n.u.), LF / HF, mean RR, SDNN; mean HR, sdHR, RMSSD, SDSD, RRvrnc, NN50, pNN50 (%). It is also possible to visualize the test as a periodogram and poinicare diagram.

Definition of the resistance type. This is an extremely important test as it warns of possible complications during therapy. The time required for the patient to reach the SpO2 value when a hypoxic air mixture is supplied is counted. In a second stage, the time needed to recover and return to baseline SpO2 is counted. Based on this test, the possibility of the patient developing AMS during therapy is ruled out. The result is also used to set the optimal O2 decline rate during therapy.

The software automatically calculates the hypoxic index for each therapy session. It saves the values and records them. This provides a visual representation of the degree of adaptation to hypoxic therapy.

Optimization of the re-oxygenation phase using the intelligent setting for re-oxygenation. The system switches from hyperoxia to normoxia as soon as the saturation returns to the pre-hypoxia level.